Thursday, May 26, 2016

Voices In The Sky

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Being a curator of Kites, I've really had my share;
The bigger the better, or so I thought, what it cost I didn't care.
So, in New Orleans on the Lakefront, the place was packed and thick;
All along the sea wall steps, only a few places left to pick!

I backed my van in to one last slot, the Marina was right there;
Could I fly this new 8 foot Kite...who knows, I was really up to the dare!
So, I began to assemble the Monster, took three guys to put it together;
The wind was coming from the south, couldn't ask for better weather...

Did I mention this Kite had speakers, JBL 12's on each side;
The Delta Kite was rainbow colored and bright...and boy was it wide!
And instead of rope as guy line, 16 gauge Monster cable in it's place;
Two hundred watts from a Fender head, turned head's from every face.

The launch out took only seconds, as it glide out over the water;
It took control immediately, didn't need any pull or starter...
As the 500 foot roll unspooled, tension tight, a 300 pound pull weight;
It was simply beautiful to watch, as other Kite's tried to mate.

As I reached the end of the spool, reached over and cranked up the amp;
Rolled up a Doobie, cracked a Bud, it was here we would make our camp!
"Stairway To Heaven" seemed appropriate, as it was jamming loud from above;
Everybody was looking and dancing, really showing some Love...

When suddenly a stunning Catalina Sailboat, with a length of 42;
Came out of the Marina, with a big tall mast, and a humongous sail of blue.
And before I had a chance to respond, it quickly caught my cable;
I fought to pull it over the mast, but I simply was not able.

In seconds the tension torqued, between the boat and my van;
Trying to do something creative, trying to devise a plan.
The Kite didn't give, as his mast fell down, the Owner started making an awful sound;
As his beautiful Schooner went off course, hit some rocks, and went aground!

Figuring I better cut my losses, with snips I cut the cord;
Piled into the van, as the Cops were coming, said a quick prayer to the Lord;
Did a nice long burn out oh so pretty, tweaking my Turbo Drive;
Had to ditch this party early, just trying to stay alive!

Well, the Cops never caught us, they say my Kite hit the water and sank;
The boat owner accused me of scheming an awful prank.
Obviously I didn't...a freak accident, that happened on the fly;
But, they'll always remember that day...when they heard The Voices In The Sky!

Image result for huge delta kite

                         Kirk Carter

Prayers To Action

Kingdom Of God

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


The accident just happened, I was still on the scene;
My body was crumpled, felt like a dream.
Some car blew a red light, as I was crusing through;
Had a second to respond, just nothing I could do!

The Paramedics worked to save me, as I hovered overhead;
They were shaking their heads, they knew that I was dead...
Then everything went white, then I was in this room;
Everyone looking clueless, they were all in a gloom.

One by one they called them in;
Has anything started, did anything end?
Then I was ushered up, time to face the song;
Hope I answered all the questions, didn't get anything wrong?

The Parishioner's were going through a file, it had on it my name;
Was this my accomplishments, or was this my file of shame?
All I heard was some mumbling, shaking heads, a "Well, let's see!";
So I asked, "How does it look, what does it mean to me?"

"Well, wou got a strike when you kicked the Cat, stole from someone named Pat,
And hit a Boy with the end of a Bat!"
They could no longer wait, the verdict was in;
"Looks like you waited to the last moment, to be resolved of your sin!"

And I cried, "Does it count, does my repent have clout?"
"Because without God, I might not make it out!"
The Parishioner's chuckled, a smile to their eyes;
"For you the truth...the Bluest of Skies!"

"It's only our purpose, to make sure that your ready";
"Your sins were meager, your trials were petty..."
"And so be Blessed, your going to Heaven, we give you the nod";
"To spend your eternity, in the Kingdom Of God!"

                                      Kirk Carter

Cow Tipping

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Early in the morning, by Moonlight we hunt;
We seeked out Mushrooms, with the aid of a blunt.
The Moon at half-crest, we could barely see;
Purple Caps in some Cow Pies, to make us some Tea!

So, we stopped at this Cow field, it was one of a dozen;
We had quite a group, even my Girlfriend and Cousin.
As we started looking, with a half-dead flashlight;
We saw all these Mushrooms, right there in sight...

With gloved hands we picked, and put them in the bag;
So many in fact, things got heavy, our bag started to sag!
Made our trip back to my van, weighed them on the spot;
50 pounds on the nose, boy this place was hot!

Took a few shots of Whiskey, voted to go out again;
This  place was a sure thing, no way we couldn't win.
But this time, we came upon sleeping Cows;
Worked our way around them, as the time allows.

And my Cousin thought it funny, to tip a cow over, and as it hit the ground;
It started to Moo, Howl, and Squeal, making an awful sound!
Then...just like that, we heard a heavy clomp;
Apparently the Bull was not happy, and it was us, he'd like to stomp...

Now I remember back when I was young, I Loved to climb the trees;
Did that for a long time, till I ticked off a gang of Bees!
And now, being so much older, being drunk and really high;
Suddenly assumed Spider Man status, and instantly learned to fly...

In to the trees we went, out of sight, no where to be seen;
While the Bull stood beneath us snorting, really looking mean.
And if that wasn't enough, the Farmer, he woke from his sleep;
Running around with his shotgun below us...we didn't make a peep!

So, after about an hour, the Farmer...well, he went home;
The Cow got up and went back to sleep, the Bull left us alone.
And we climbed down from the trees, made a beeline toward the van;
We got what we came for, and a lot that we didn't plan!

Back Home we boiled the Shrooms, and then we strained;
Bunch of half-baked Chemist working, as the morning waned...
Adding some powdered Kool-Aid, just to cut the bite;
As we toasted a cup, discussing what went on last night.

And we tripped and laughed, as we hallucinated;
As we cheered on the concoction, that we had just formulated.
And we pledged we'd be friends for life, with everybody tripping;
And to always always avoid, any Cow Tipping!

                                                                     Kirk Carter

Set In Your Ways

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


What side of your toast do you like your butter spread;
What time do you eat, when does the Dog get fed?
And do you leave your clothes out the night before;
While yesterday's garments just set on the floor?

Some like to leave early, while other's just late;
For those prompt and early, the Straggler's just hate!
Only so many minutes to work with, what works best for you;
Not all can be that logical, I bet quite a few...

Some will read, while other's jog;
A reading light, while running through fog.
And yet as you age, your habit's settled in;
How much a habit, even a Loser can win.

But it's your thing, your nobody's fool;
Your in on the fix, you make your own rule!
"Pardon me Dear, I turn in at Nine..."
"I would stay out later, but I'd lose my mind!"

And Loved one's will scrugg, "Why do that?", they say;
It's your God given duty, to do it your way...
A routine get's better, practice perfect, works out just right;
You never question why you write at two in the night?

We're creatures of habit, as long as it's ours;
To the Shoes on our feet, to the wheels on our Cars.
And who is to debate, what works best for you;
Devotional impact, try something new!

You can still have Hot Sauce on your Grits, or the left Fork on the right;
Watch that scary movie, watch the Stars all night.
Be a Mentor against bad habits, teach patterns that really stick;
Eat healthy with devotion, how to keep from getting sick...

Tell God that you Love Him, your soul will Sanctify;
Emotional congruent, through Worship improvement, you'll never question why.
And before you know it, you'll deploy it, to all your passing days;
Step up to the plate, no time for debate, for it's already Set In Your Ways!

                                     Kirk Carter

Wall Wort Is Your Master

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Man has fought for years, just to be free;
Take these chains from me, just let me be;
I choose to take the high road, my future looks so bright;
As I follow my Intuition, it guides me through the night.

But, as I look around, not all is well down there;
People are still being told what to do, no willingness to share.
Not everyone has an Army, to protect us from the rage;
Of dominating forces, placing us into a cage...

So, the word is out, technology won;
Freedom to communicate, self-expression shall be done!
But wait...what's that in your hand;
Is this really...what you had planned?

A shiny new Smartphone, with the Internet, unlimited talk;
Play your games all day, play your jams everywhere you walk?
But there seems to be a hitch, in the promotional pitch;
That phone turns out to be nothing more, than a current sucking Bitch!

Now, your freedom's been taken by the Wall-Wort;
You hunt for Sockets, your Charge is short!
Now your Battery's dead, nothing more to be said;
That Phone rules you, and it needs to be Fed!

So, until you invest in an extra Power Cell;
You'll be searching all day, in wall socket Hell!
Look at what's become of a wall socket on plaster;
Might as well admit it, the Wall-Wort's Your Master!

                                  Kirk Carter

Calling Me Home

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


I started into Life, with enjoyment...a Toddler's sense of thrill;
Get me off this formula Mom, I think I've had my fill...
"Give this Kid some solid food", the Doctor said, "The crying will calm down!";
Ravenous, I put it away, I'm ready for another round!

As life went on, my early years, a mixed blessing of playing charade;
Taking beatings from my Father, a Man that never quite had it made.
Not that he wasn't a good Man, just a bit disappointed at himself;
He had visions of much success, leading up to obvious wealth.

I patterned things I did, with making new one's as I went along;
As I studied Technology and Entertainment, everyone Love's a Song!
But, within I was confused, before I could understand;
Apparently I was not following, the things that God had planned...

 So, I hid in the darkness, of Drugs and Alcohol;
It was a fun run while it lasted, but the fun would take it's fall!
And despite breif successes and travel, elbowing with Stars in my craft;
Nobody saw my Demons, it was me to have the last laugh.

So, I looked around and said a Prayer...what will you have of me;
Dusted myself off, had my last cough, and pursued what He saw me to be!
It wasn't easy at first, but I caught on with given time;
And instead of worshipping other's, my God gave me Rhyme.

The waste of time and friendships, the agony of feeling remorse;
What exactly was I doing, how did I get this far off course?
Time has a way of diluting pain, yet the actions never go away;
I could say all the Prayers in the world, clean the slate for another day.

But oddly, I wouldn't trade my experiences, I accept of who I am;
And thankfully there were a few  special people who actually gave a Damn!
But all in all, my belief in my abilities, that miraculously guided me through;
Leaving me with a back load of projects, so many things to pursue.

Although the majority of my Family, are now sitting with God;
I'm sure they're pleased and forgive me, I'm sure they're giving a nod.
And my reality is focused, these truths have made me a believer;
It's a daily challenge to avoid, playing with the Master Deceiver...

And to know that when my time comes, I'll be in good company, I won't be alone;
But will be standing along side of God, when it's time for Him, to start Calling Me Home!

Kirk Carter

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Prophet Is Really You

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016

The Prophet Is Really You

Times were lean, motivation far and few;
People disorganized, didn't quite know what to do.
Looking for a sign, some presence, some guiding light;
Can't find their way home, like Sheep in the night!

And call out they did, called amongst the many;
Show us just cause, we have not a Penny...
And the Clouds cleared back, a Full Moon to the soil;
A voice came forth, "Many miles you will toil..."
"Till you find your way, your purpose is to me..."
And you shall prevail, your Soul's forever, that believe's as you see!"

The Sheep stood still, with astonished releif;
The Word came from above, as they crowded beneath.
And a few were selected, to carry out the Word;
While other's shook their head's, and thought it absurd...

As time passed on, certain truths in Acts exposed;
The Gospel that they speak, of what God has proposed.
Many Battles ensued, taking claim for the Vision;
Was this just by chance, or some miraculous decision?

So, the righteous did prevail, as Doubter's looked confused;
Just who was given this Miracle, while still being Accused?
Is this Witchcraft or Demonism, as the Commoner's started preaching too;
That Believer's would have the Everlasting, and Doubter's were the fool!

And it showed itself then, as it does to this very day;
We are Sinner's to begin with, but some are chose to stay.
That as we read the Word, adventure to spread it, too;
That we will be Blessed and pass the Test because,
The Prophet Is Really You!

                           Kirk Carter

Timeless Spirit

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


"It's a quarter till what?", you ask...trying to set your time;
Everyday we all hear that same convoluted
Motion speaks pictures, walking along Avenues;
Be prompt, get the early...wear your walking shoes.

Seems like all efforts have been taking, be there or be square;
So worried about making a good impression, trying to show you care.
But, is it really worth killing yourself, for a measly second or two;
It leaves you in a moral stress zone, your Feet all turning blue!

Society has us trained, nothing labored, nothing gained;
Great influence evokes success, a quest, "Hey who's best!"
And some are better than other's, a new Office coming their way;
They were on time, right on the dime, bringing forth a brand new day!

It doesn't help that other's brag, nag, "Didn't make it on time", you say;
Cause they were late, full of hat, and could never relate to a simple debate?
So, just how is your day going...are you even going to make it home;
Your Pot Roast set on the auto timer, just sitting there all alone...

And speaking of time, have you aged well;
Getting so close to Heaven as you skip above the Hell?
Who know when your day comes, taking that last deep breath;
Hope they remember to correctly record, the very time of your death!

And it's hard to contemplate, just what is a Light-Year;
Overshooting their target, has got to be a Scientist greatest fear?
For the Stars you look at tonight, are probably not there at all;
So very long for the light to get through, that Time-Warped Cosmic Wall!

And the Runner's last lap, as lunges for First-Place;
Tenth's of a Second, to Win or Lose, sweat coming down his Face...
The Employee late for work, now he's passing in the Emergency Lane;
Putting his life in jeopardy, just to please the Ball and Chain...

So, for some it's a passionate frenzy, some don't even fear it;
The Clock will be moving, long after your gone, it's the reality of The Timeless Spirit!

                           Kirk Carter

Sunset Is So Breif

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Paradoxol debate, do we Love or do we Hate;
Bonded passion, or rigors of the Blade?
Are we just being a couple, or are we busy being "Made"?
The climax of Portals, creativity in a given time;
As you age it peaks and faulters, for other's it's just sublime...

You wake to each morning on schedule, a new blank plate;
How much you will accomplish is up for debate.
Be thankful for crowds, it's your time to be alone;
The Arrogant and the Bosterious, hides your subtle tone...

And as the day progresses, find the beauty in simplicity;
Those things that are obvious, try to practice consistantsy.
Don't be afraid to take possession, but do so with careful touch;
Your Spiritual Guidance points the way, cause God Love's you that much!

Perhaps your situation needs a new platitude;
It's time to part with baggage, no need for an attitude.
But, it's much like those who loose seconds, quick as a flash;
Image, property, Loved One's, maybe all your spending cash?

And you stand there to ponder, what can I do now;
What direction, is it obvious, or do a new road I need to plow?
The kindness of other's, like a Flashlight in the Night;
They'll help you with your situation, they assist you in your plight...

So, the skies begin to clear, as you fininsh up the day;
Seagulls fly, as you bond to the Beach, just let your Passions lay.
Maybe you accomplished much, maybe just made a dent;
Hope for a better tommorrow, no just came and went!

And remember, they'll always be times for happiness, always be times for greif;
So grasp that moment as it happens, the Sunset Is So Breif!

               Kirk Carter

Thursday, May 5, 2016

No Time For Shame

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Driving along on probation, leaving from the bar;
On a binge vacation, my house not be that far.
Suddenly in my rear view mirror, that terrible flash of blue;
I almost swallowed my Mickey's bottle, what was I suppose to do?

As officer Dribble approached my van, beaming me with his light;
He said, "What you been doing out here, at this time of night?"
I explained, "I was out playing pool", as my knuckles were turning blue:
As I noticed an empty beer bottle bumping against my shoe.

Heard him sniffing, then he asked, "How much you been drinking?"
"Oh, just a couple at dinner", I said, what was I thinking?
He said, "Reason why I stopped you, stopped you where your at...
Is back down there, you ran over the Judge's Cat!"

I swallowed hard, as I blew a point twenty-three;
Sweating like a Pig, and boy...did I have to pee!

So, the Judge gave me 30 days, just for leaving the scene;
I told him he didn't have to do that...your just being mean!
He agreed with me and gave me 30 more;
As the Bailiff showed me the jail house door!

Well,I was the talk of the town, in fact, all over the city;
60 days in the slammer for killing the Judge's Kitty!

Those days are now in the past, I'm detoxed and all clean;
I don't mind laughing about it, don't mind being seen.
All I know is that I did it, and I happily take the blame;
So please always remember, there's really No Time For Shame!

                                                                          Kirk Carter