Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cow Tipping

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


Early in the morning, by Moonlight we hunt;
We seeked out Mushrooms, with the aid of a blunt.
The Moon at half-crest, we could barely see;
Purple Caps in some Cow Pies, to make us some Tea!

So, we stopped at this Cow field, it was one of a dozen;
We had quite a group, even my Girlfriend and Cousin.
As we started looking, with a half-dead flashlight;
We saw all these Mushrooms, right there in sight...

With gloved hands we picked, and put them in the bag;
So many in fact, things got heavy, our bag started to sag!
Made our trip back to my van, weighed them on the spot;
50 pounds on the nose, boy this place was hot!

Took a few shots of Whiskey, voted to go out again;
This  place was a sure thing, no way we couldn't win.
But this time, we came upon sleeping Cows;
Worked our way around them, as the time allows.

And my Cousin thought it funny, to tip a cow over, and as it hit the ground;
It started to Moo, Howl, and Squeal, making an awful sound!
Then...just like that, we heard a heavy clomp;
Apparently the Bull was not happy, and it was us, he'd like to stomp...

Now I remember back when I was young, I Loved to climb the trees;
Did that for a long time, till I ticked off a gang of Bees!
And now, being so much older, being drunk and really high;
Suddenly assumed Spider Man status, and instantly learned to fly...

In to the trees we went, out of sight, no where to be seen;
While the Bull stood beneath us snorting, really looking mean.
And if that wasn't enough, the Farmer, he woke from his sleep;
Running around with his shotgun below us...we didn't make a peep!

So, after about an hour, the Farmer...well, he went home;
The Cow got up and went back to sleep, the Bull left us alone.
And we climbed down from the trees, made a beeline toward the van;
We got what we came for, and a lot that we didn't plan!

Back Home we boiled the Shrooms, and then we strained;
Bunch of half-baked Chemist working, as the morning waned...
Adding some powdered Kool-Aid, just to cut the bite;
As we toasted a cup, discussing what went on last night.

And we tripped and laughed, as we hallucinated;
As we cheered on the concoction, that we had just formulated.
And we pledged we'd be friends for life, with everybody tripping;
And to always always avoid, any Cow Tipping!

                                                                     Kirk Carter

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