Thursday, May 26, 2016

Set In Your Ways

Kirk Carter@ Chew Bear Productions@ Copyright 2016


What side of your toast do you like your butter spread;
What time do you eat, when does the Dog get fed?
And do you leave your clothes out the night before;
While yesterday's garments just set on the floor?

Some like to leave early, while other's just late;
For those prompt and early, the Straggler's just hate!
Only so many minutes to work with, what works best for you;
Not all can be that logical, I bet quite a few...

Some will read, while other's jog;
A reading light, while running through fog.
And yet as you age, your habit's settled in;
How much a habit, even a Loser can win.

But it's your thing, your nobody's fool;
Your in on the fix, you make your own rule!
"Pardon me Dear, I turn in at Nine..."
"I would stay out later, but I'd lose my mind!"

And Loved one's will scrugg, "Why do that?", they say;
It's your God given duty, to do it your way...
A routine get's better, practice perfect, works out just right;
You never question why you write at two in the night?

We're creatures of habit, as long as it's ours;
To the Shoes on our feet, to the wheels on our Cars.
And who is to debate, what works best for you;
Devotional impact, try something new!

You can still have Hot Sauce on your Grits, or the left Fork on the right;
Watch that scary movie, watch the Stars all night.
Be a Mentor against bad habits, teach patterns that really stick;
Eat healthy with devotion, how to keep from getting sick...

Tell God that you Love Him, your soul will Sanctify;
Emotional congruent, through Worship improvement, you'll never question why.
And before you know it, you'll deploy it, to all your passing days;
Step up to the plate, no time for debate, for it's already Set In Your Ways!

                                     Kirk Carter

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